Exhibits & Shows


Joy in the Making

Glema Mahr Center for the Arts

September 13, 2019 - October 26, 2019

Madisonville, KY

The Crowded House


Madisonville, KY

Barbie’s paintings hung in the booming restaurant in the heart of downtown Madisonville; The Crowded House from 2013-2017. Mark Twain wrote, “I can live for two months on one good compliment.” The honor to exhibit my paintings in the Crowded House was a compliment that will keep me going for a long time! Thank you Cliff and Andrea Nance for your friendship, for personally owning my work, and for the opportunity to exhibit my art.

Farmers Bank and Trust_Ben Higgins.jpg

Farmers Bank & Trust Company


Madisonville, KY

Farmers Bank & Trust Company invited Barbie to exhibit in their new small gallery space. Her grandson, Ben, worked there as a teller part time.

 From the Earth


Henderson, KY